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儿童饮食健康关于儿童饮食健康,你还是只知道“An apple a day keeps the doctor away”吗?孩子饮食吃什么、怎么吃。让我们与孩子一起 STAY HEALTHY!

许多家长都非常操心孩子的吃饭速度,不管是吃得太快还是吃得太慢,都会对孩子的身体健康与家庭环境造成一定的影响。为什么孩子会吃得太快太慢呢?爸爸妈妈们又应该怎么解决呢?Many parents have voiced concerns about their kids eating too fast or slow, which can influence not only children’s health but also family’s environment. So, why do children have speed problems of eating? How can parents solve it?

典型问题:吃得太快容易导致孩子胀气、消化不良,甚至还有可能噎着,导致危险。孩子们想一口吞下太多食物,或者是没有把食物咀嚼成小块就咽下,都会让孩子噎着。年龄稍大一些的孩子,可能会因为吃的太快而感到恶心甚至呕吐。其实,在正常情况下,人吃饭时饱腹的信号大约在15到20分钟后才能传递到大脑。所以,如果进食速度过快,就可能在已经吃饱但仍有空腹感的情况下,继续摄入食物。这样一来,多余的热量就储存为脂肪,从而也就容易导致孩子变得肥胖。 Problem:Eating too fast creates gas, indigestion and has choking risks for kids who attempt to swallow too much in one bite. Kids also choke when they don’t chew food into small bits before swallowing. Older kids risk nausea and vomiting from eating too fast, according to the Permanente Medical Group. It takes approximately 20 minutes from the time you start eating for people’s brains to send out signals of fullness. If children eat too fast, they could continue to eat when they actually are full. Thus spare energies transform into fat, and children gain weight.
如何解决孩子吃饭速度不当的问题? 方法1:让每一顿饭变得重要。最简单的方法就是让在家吃的每一顿饭都变得重要,而不只是一个短暂的休息时间。认真布置一下餐桌,让孩子放慢速度去享受食物。在吃饭时进行一些聊天,也是让吃饭速度放慢的好方法。除此之外,还有利于家庭成员间和谐关系的维护哦。
Solution 1: Make every meal easiest way to slow dining is to make meals an important time in your home, rather than simply a quick stop. Arrange table carefully, and ask your child to slow down and enjoy the meal. Conversation during meal times is a good way to slow down eating time but also makes dinner special because it becomes bonding time for the entire family. 方法2:记录每一餐,确保孩子真的饱了。阿拉斯加的家庭资源中心认为,饥饿的孩子总是会飞快地吃完每一餐。因此,可以在两顿饭之间给孩子吃一些健康的零食,这样又能让孩子不那么饥饿,又不会干扰他们的食欲。国家食品服务管理机构建议,把吃零食与吃饭的时间间隔设为两小时较好。
Solution 2: Write a food diary to make sure you’re feeding your child enough at each ry kids frequently use a “vacuum” mentality to eat as fast as possible to get enough food at the meal, according to the Alaska Center for Resource Families. Small healthy snacks between meals during the day help dull the hunger urge but won’t spoil appetites for mealtime. The National Food Service Management Institute recommends allowing at least two hours between meals and snacks to build appetite but also stops hunger. 方法3:选择一个舒服的椅子。一个不舒服的椅子会让孩子加快吃饭的速度哦。看看你家的饭桌的椅子是不是舒服的,孩子长大了也得坐着舒服。另外,加坐垫可以让椅子变的舒服,从而让孩子更放松,也就放慢了孩子吃饭的速度。
Solution 3: Select a comfortable uncomfortable seat makes your child reach for food and encourages quick dining. Check the seating to make sure it continues to remain comfortable as your child grows. A booster seat may offer a more comfortable seat for relaxed dining and avoid quick meals.
孩子吃饭太快/太慢怎么办? 第2张

Solution 4: Create a comfortable, relaxed atmosphere during meals.A rushed environment that pushes children to finish meals encourages kids to eat too fast. Have your entire family sit and eat at one time so children don’t feel the need to rush to move onto activities happening in the house. Avoid mealtime interruptions, including making or taking phone calls or having the TV on. Frequent disruptions means kids are easily distracted and encourage kids to eat quickly 方法5:让孩子专注于吃饭的过程。健康专家推荐孩子细致地咀嚼食物,还可以让孩子数自己嚼了几口,这样能更好地帮助消化。这种方式也能减慢吃饭的速度。
Solution 5: Slow kids down by focusing on the process of th professionals encourage chewing food well and counting the number of chews in each bite for kids with baby or adult teeth to help digestion. Thorough chewing and counting also slows dining. 方法6:把食物切成小块。在做饭时,把不同食材或大小的食物都切成小块,让大一点的孩子自己把食物切成小块并细嚼慢咽。在吃饭中跟孩子一起讨论食物,鼓励他们享受食物的美味。
Solution 5:cut food into piecesPrepare the dinner plate to encourage slow dining by cutting food into pieces and selecting a number of foods with different textures and sizes. Ask older children to cut food to slow eating. Talk about the foods during the meal to motivate kids to take time to enjoy the flavors.
孩子吃饭太快/太慢怎么办? 第3张

专家说(Experts Quote)放慢速度吃饭,让吃饭变成一种自由与享受,而不是强迫与必需。——Michael Pollan (作家、记者、新闻学教授)
To eat slowly, then, also means to eat deliberately, in the original sense of the word: 'from freedom' instead of compulsion. " — Michael Pollan (an American author, journalist, activist, and professor of journalism at the UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism)
